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Recluse Roasting Project

Rwanda- Shyira Lot A

Rwanda- Shyira Lot A

Regular price $17.00
Regular price Sale price $17.00
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Every year we're so stoked to get this coffee back in the lineup. The aromatics are always floral with lots of raisin and fig sweetness. When we brew this coffee over ice it reminds us of Lemon Brisk Iced Tea.

Shyira is located at the foothills of the famous Virunga National Park. The national park is a chain of volcanoes and the habitat for mountain gorillas. Shyira is the highest altitude washing station in Rwanda at 1850m above sea level. The temperate weather, high altitude, and volcanic soil give the station a micro-climate perfect for growing specialty coffee. The coffee from this station has a distinctive taste profile from other locations in Rwanda. Shyira is unique in that it services 1869 small-holder farmers throughout the harvest. For a small station, this is a lot! Farmers bring their best cherry throughout the season, sometimes bringing only one pound.

This year Higa purchased two lots from Shyira. Each lot is from a group of 5 farmers. Higa is working with farmers to create incentives for them to continually produce exceptional specialty and build long-term relationships with farming communities. This particular lot is "Farmer Lot A". Habimana Laurent, Mbabarengirente Esperance, Mukakabano Annocieta, Ntaganda Frederick, and Sebikari Celestin. These 5 small-holder farmers are some of the top producers for quality and quantity at Shyira. Their cherry has been processed separately and blended into this single lot of the best coffee from this station.

Flavor profile: Raisin, black tea, lemon

Variety: Red Bourbon

Process: Washed

Elevation: 1850-2300 MASL

Supplier/Importer: Higa

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